lunar based empowering female photoshoots

Taryn | Nicturna 2020 Final New Moon of the Year | Kananaskis Night Photoshoot

This Nicturna Session was on the last new moon of 2020.

A dark sky night out in the Kananaskis Country area.

Taryn is a dear friend of mine and Bride to be.

This Nicturna Session was to celebrate her and have a little night adventure together.

Thanks for the adventure Taryn.
xo Sof.

From Taryn Herself:

There’s an indescribable feeling I get when I am surrounded by the mountains, with only the sound of the snow crunching under my boots. It’s the feeling of being small, in the way that melts all of your problems as your surroundings absorb you completely.

How magical it was to have Sofia capture this feeling as stars dazzled overhead.

NicturnaSofia Katherine